Do you know how many tanks are on your land? Knowing the answer to these questions is vital because failure to comply with underground storage tank guidelines can result in massive contamination releases, with significant impacts to land value, human health and the environment, not to mention costly and embarrassing prosecutions and massive fines.

Are you the owner of a service station, a former service station, or a property where underground fuel tanks were installed? If so, acting now to manage your underground petroleum storage system (UPSS i.e. petrol tanks) through an underground fuel tank assessment is now more crucial than ever because environment protection laws in Victoria (Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018) now require land owners to proactively take steps to identify and manage risks to the environment and human health.
Atma Environmental provide an expert underground fuel tank assessment service and we audits storage facilities to identify operational or past/decommissioned underground fuel tank locations, installation details, contents and the associated contamination risks via soil, groundwater and vapour. We can also provide you with the advice and services to help with underground fuel tank removal in the most cost effective manner possible.
Our Experience Saves Developer’s Money When Getting Underground Fuel Tank Assessment.
Underground fuel tank assessment in Melbourne

As environmental professionals who are highly experienced in dealing with underground storage tanks, Atma Environmental is fully equipped to help you assess, delineate and manage contamination arising from underground and above ground fuel (and chemical storage) systems. If you are unsure whether or not your property contains an underground fuel tank, you should immediately contact Atma Environmental for advice.
In addition to the Act, EPA Victoria has stringent guidelines covering the design, installation and management of underground storage tanks for petroleum, also known as underground petroleum storage systems (UPSSs). The UPSS guidelines (EPA Victoria Publications 888.4 and 1670) are aimed at protecting the community, property and the environment from leaking fuel due to poorly designed, poorly managed or faulty underground storage tanks.
UPSS management plans
Appropriate management of operational UPSS requires ongoing site classification, compliance management and monitoring of groundwater, or tank pit bores. To assist compliance, Atma Environmental provides UPSS management plans and installation / sampling of groundwater monitoring bores (per EPA 888.4 guideline) to owners to help prevent contamination from occurring in the first place.
Underground storage tank removal (UST decommissioning) service
Metal tanks will reach the end of their usable life after 15-20 years and remediation of any associated soil and groundwater contamination is required when tanks are removed. For removal of old underground storage tanks and site validation testing (UST decommissioning) you only need to call Atma Environmental, we provide a turn-key UST remediation service.
For more information on underground fuel tank removal and soil testing, environmental assessment, or compliance call Atma Environmental now on 03-9429 6955.