Experts in asbestos soil contamination management and the removal of asbestos contaminated soils, the most important thing we want clients to understand about asbestos structures and/or asbestos contamination in soil, is that its proper management is absolutely critical to minimise the costs associated with developing your site.
Demolition of asbestos structures can cause cross-contamination of otherwise clean areas on a site, causing an increase in site contamination and associated remediation costs! This can be very costly, for example spreading asbestos into soils. Often these kinds of issues can be totally avoided simply by bringing in a competent environmental consultant early on. Watch this video below now to get an understanding of why and how Atma Environmental can help you minimise your development approval costs.
Our Experience Saves Developer’s Money When Dealing With Asbestos Soil Contamination Management.
If you have purchased or are thinking of purchasing land which has asbestos dwellings or waste on it, the best thing you can possibly do to control costs is talk to Atma Environmental before you let any demolition works, excavation or construction happen on site.
Asbestos site contamination and management is extremely important for properties undergoing development, as the risk of asbestos contamination and associated risk to human health cannot be ignored. Frequently, past poor (or illegal) demolition and disposal practices have resulted in asbestos contamination of sites from knocked down buildings and/or site filling. The volume of contaminated material involved can be enormous and contaminating a site due to poor demolition oversight is entirely preventable. Without a doubt, asbestos-contaminated sites represent a significant cost liability, due to the fact it is often widely spread and the inherent difficulties in removing it from soils.

At Atma Environmental, all of our scientists are trained in friable and non-friable asbestos identification and we pay particular attention to its identification in the field — doubly so where the assessment objective is for site acquisition.
Beyond simple, credible identification, Atma Environmental also undertakes detailed asbestos contamination assessments in accordance with Schedule B2 of the National Environment Protection Council’s “National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure (NEPM)” and expertly manages the remediation of asbestos-contaminated sites.
Our demonstrated track record in working with experienced contractors and our dedication to ensuring that asbestos risks are reduced to the further extent possible, gives clients the maximum assurance possible that their asbestos site contamination issues are fully and comprehensively dealt with.
And, should clients need to assess and manage asbestos in standing structures, we can also help by arranging the necessary hazardous building materials audits for compliance (per Division 5 of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2017), or for demolition (per Division 6 of the regs). Atma Environmental will also arrange and manage the required asbestos hygienist services and air monitoring where notifiable works are underway and provide authoritative clearance certificates for finished site works.
Is your land impacted by asbestos contamination, or are you looking to safely demolish a structure without contaminating the underlying land? If so, do not hesitate to contact the experts, Atma Environmental, on 03 9429 6955.