Our Experience Saves Developer’s Money When Getting a Groundwater Investigation.

Groundwater investigation is a specialised field requiring expert knowledge and highly experienced groundwater consultants. The investigation of sites having groundwater contamination can make an order-of-magnitude difference in costs, so it is imperative that you ensure your project is directed by a hydrogeologist with experience in managing groundwater contamination investigations in a manner that will ensure you meet all your environmental obligations, in the most cost effective manner.
Not all groundwater consulting firms are equal in their ability to achieve this for you, and our immense experience and proven track record is a reason why you should talk to Atma Environmental.
Groundwater assessment, sampling and testing techniques
Atma Environmental provides a wide range of groundwater (hydrogeological) contamination assessment services including: source area characterisation, offsite extent / plume delineation, conceptual site model development, aquifer testing and monitored natural attenuation (MNA) assessment.
Our Experience Saves Developer’s Money When Getting a Groundwater Investigation.
The identification of groundwater contamination is crucial in ascertaining the potential environmental liability associated with a site. Groundwater contamination should be assessed wherever there is an identified source of sub-surface contamination or significant potential for chemical leakage. This can be accomplished by completion of a detailed site investigation, sometimes also involving volatile vapour investigation.
On sites with known groundwater issues, Atma Environmental assists its clients by expertly working with appointed contaminated land auditors to develop clean up to the extent practical (CUTEP) reports, groundwater quality management plans (GQMPs) and to undertake community communications with affected neighbours as necessary to close out the audit.
Where a site is determined to be a source site for groundwater contamination, remediation or management requirements may be required. Atma Environmental is there for you at every step, whether it is providing a human health risk assessment, or advising you on practical groundwater remediation options.
Atma Environmental and its hydrogeological staff have the required expertise to provide you with the specialised groundwater assessment reports you require at competitive rates, and even more importantly, the experience to manage any groundwater contamination investigation so that your costs are minimised. Not all groundwater consultants are equal! Call us on (03) 9429 6955.