We are one of the most experienced contaminated land consulting firms in Victoria.
For a no-obligations chat about how we can help your business, call (613) 9429 6955 to speak with one of our friendly environmental professionals.

Our Experience Saves Developer’s Money When Getting Contaminated Land Consulting.
Given the wide-ranging and complicated world of environmental regulations, laws and guidelines that apply to contaminated land, sometimes you just need a trusted advisor who has your highest and best interests in mind. Someone that will give you brutally honest advice, an expert willing to tell you what they would do if they were you.
At Atma Environmental our core values are: value, professionalism and integrity. This means not overcharging or ‘over-servicing’ clients, providing clear & reliable information that stands up under scrutiny and delivering our services in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
We’ve taken this approach since founding of the company in 1996 and while many companies have come and gone in the meanwhile, we’re still here delivering on that promise. It is also a reason why we are a long-standing member of the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association (ACLCA) Vic. – the peak registration body for contaminated land professionals in Australia – and employ Certified Environmental Practitioners – Site Contamination (CEnvP-SC)..
Our Core services are as follows:
Contaminated Land Assessment
- Preliminary Site Investigations (Phase 1) reviews
- Detailed Site Investigations (Phase 2 / Intrusive) investigations
- Site remediation (Phase 3) investigations
- Landfill gas risk assessments
- Soil vapour investigations
- Asbestos contamination investigation
- Contamination liability cost estimating
Site Remediation and Waste Management
- Project Management for waste removal and site decontamination
- Soil disposal categorisation and minimisation
- Onsite remediation of contaminated soils
- Underground storage tanks
- Waste reclassification applications
Contaminated Land Management
- Strategic and due diligence advice
- EPA compliance Notices
- Environmental (Contamination) Management Plans
- Expert witness
Hazardous Materials Assessments & Asbestos Hygienist Services
- Asbestos and hazardous building materials audits (Division 6 Audits)
- Asbestos registers (Division 5 Audits)
- Asbestos removal clearance certificates
- Asbestos air monitoring
- Hygienist services, including supervision of remediation works
- Contaminant hydrogeological investigations
- Subdivision Hydrogeological Assessments for planning purposes
- Clean-up to The Extent Practical (CUTEP) information reports
- Groundwater Quality Management Plans (GQMPs) for audit sites
- Groundwater Assessment Reports (GARs) for construction
Over and above our core environmental assessment and remediation services, specialist contaminated land consulting services provided by Atma Environmental include:
- Independent third-party reviews
- EPA compliance, liaison and advocacy – in particular meeting your obligations under the new Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018
- Expert witness testimony
- Preparation of environmental management plans
- Environmental cost estimating
- Project management
For a no-obligations chat about how we can help your business, call (613) 9429 6955 to speak with one of our friendly environmental professionals.