Environmental Consulting Jobs Done in Abbotsford, Victoria, 3067

Below is a list of Environmental Consulting jobs done by Atma Environmental in Abbotsford

UST Investigation at Johnson St, Abbotsford, Vic.

Limited investigation at a UST was carried out to advise on status of area.

Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment at Shamrock Street, Abbotsford, Victoria

Site history review and deep drilling of inner city industrial property adjacent to Yarra River located on former clay pit to support divestiture of land.

Expert Advice Regarding Site Contamination at Studley Road, Abbotsford

Review of information from a previously completed contaminated land audit (c. 1994) was completed to advise prospective land buyer on the environmental liabilities.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment at William Street Abbotsford

Completion of detailed Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment was performed for the landowner of an inner city factory previously converted to business use to inform on possible contamination issues that might arise in a future change of land use (which could include more sensitive uses). The ESA identified former automotive repair (hydrocarbons), and an adjacent derelict electroplating factory (metals, TCE) as possible constraints due to contamination.

Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment

Site history review and deep drilling of inner city industrial property adjacent to Yarra River located on former clay pit to support divestiture of land.