Environmental Consulting Jobs Done in Epping North 3076

Below is a list of Environmental Consulting jobs done by Atma Environmental in Epping North 3076

Due Diligence at Corner Epping & O’Hearns Roads, Epping North, Victoria

Atma Environmental reviewed earlier site history information and made a site visit to identify possible environmental liabilities and estimate clean up costs for those. This was followed up by further investigations on a strict timeline assisting purchase decisions.

Site History Assessment at Epping Road, Epping North, Victoria

In relation to the tendering for purchase of this outer fringe rural site, Atma Environ provided a time sensitive historical review report on the 6 ha site and determined it had been used for land filling.

Site Investigation at Epping Road, Epping North, Victoria

Given the past use of the site for receipt of uncontrolled earthen fill, a targeted site investigation was carried out to confirm the contamination status.