Below is a list of Environmental Consulting jobs done by Atma Environmental in Oakleigh
Phase 2 ESA at Monterey Cres, Donvale
The former potentially contaminating site uses identified on this piece of rail land (including service station, loco servicing, dry cleaning, gypsum plant) dictated the completion of a limited Phase 2 soil and groundwater investigation at areas of potential environmental concern.
Limited Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment at ‘Oakleigh Railway Station’ Oakleigh, Vic (Warragul Rd)
Atma Environmental was engaged to conduct a Limited Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of a railway precinct including surrounding shops, offices, car parks, etc. Included in this was a brief site history review and a site reconnaissance visit. The objective of this investigation was to establish and document the past and current site uses in order to identify potential ‘gross’ site contamination issues, assess potential contamination liabilities and risks to owner/site occupiers, and to comment on the suitability of the site for ongoing use in its current format.
Preliminary Site Investigation
Client requirements on this job were to ascertain if the land (a former service station) was grossly impacted by contamination – so as to aid crucial commercial decisions as to how he would to proceed. This was achieved by provision of a limited soil and groundwater investigation.
Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment
A historical review of past land usage and records along with a site reconnaissance visit was conducted to determine if there were any recognisable environmental liabilities associated with a former horse stable prior to purchase and redevelopment.
Environmental Site Assessment
Atma conducted a full historical review and preliminary sampling program for this former telephone line repair depot. The historical review identified likely contaminant sources which resulted in further assessment and remedial work being completed.
Further Assessment
Further assessment work was completed at a former telephone line depot.
Development of a Remedial Action Plan for Arsenic
Recommendations for arsenic clean-up, based on ANZECC Guidelines, were developed for a former telephone line repair depot. The Remedial Action Plan developed accounted for proposed land usage, concentrations of heavy metals and the site characteristics.