Once asbestos is identified on a site, these materials and potential undiscovered materials must then an asbestos removal control plan must be put in place to reduce potential risks to unprotected personnel. As well as the initial identification and managing the removal of asbestos onsite, Atma Environmental will develop asbestos safety control plans detailing the procedures and controls required to be implemented in the case of further discoveries, or for safely controlling remedial works.
Asbestos removal control plans – Asbestos Safety Control Plans
These plans are formerly called Asbestos removal control plans, or Asbestos Safety Control Plans. While hazardous building material audits are effective in identifying asbestos-containing materials within buildings and giving recommendations for immediate management, they do not cover ongoing management of asbestos materials within structures over time.
Our Experience Saves Developer’s Money When Getting Asbestos Removed.
Building Asbestos Management Plans

An Asbestos Management Plan for a building takes the recommendations set out in the hazardous materials building assessment and implements plans for structured removal and on-going maintenance and inspections.
Asbestos management plans, in regards to buildings, set out safety controls and measures needed to minimise risk to occupants, whether employees or residents, from potential exposure to asbestos fibres resulting from accidental damage. An asbestos management plan, if implemented and followed correctly, means that asbestos-containing materials are unlikely to be a hazard to personnel due to regular maintenance/inspections that track and document the condition of asbestos materials and prioritise various asbestos materials for removal (particularly important in large facilities with large quantities and types of asbestos-containing materials).
If you are a manager of a workplace or residential facility and a hazardous materials assessment identifies asbestos-containing materials, consider engaging Atma Environmental to develop a building asbestos management plan to guide the removal, or long-term hazard management of these asbestos materials.
Our demonstrated track record in working with experienced contractors and our dedication to ensuring that asbestos risks are reduced to the further extent possible, gives clients the maximum assurance possible that their asbestos site contamination issues are fully and comprehensively dealt with.
And, should clients need to assess and manage asbestos in standing structures, we can also help by arranging the necessary hazardous building materials audits for compliance (per Division 5 of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2017), or for demolition (per Division 6 of the regs). Atma Environmental will also arrange and manage the required asbestos hygienist services (e.g. air monitoring) where notifiable works are underway and provide authoritative clearance certificates for finished site works.
For asbestos management planning, speak to the experts at Atma Environmental, on 03 9429 6955.